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According to an FBI affidavit, agents traced one of the heads to BRC.The BRC consent form permitted the broker to sell cadavers and parts to almost any entity, including commercial Wholesale aluminum stock pots for sale ventures."Who’s responsible?According to Army policy, "If it is clear that a donor prohibited the contemplated use, then the donor’s cadaver will not be used."This is almost beyond belief that his entire body went somewhere else without his permission, and especially to a place that he absolutely did not want to be," she said.Internal BRC and military records show that at least 20 other bodies were also used in the blast experiments without permission of the donors or their relatives, a violation of U.Government documents unsealed this year also allege that Arthur Rathburn’s inventory included more than 100 body parts infected with hepatitis, HIV, sepsis, meningitis, the life-threatening bacteria MRSA, and the flesh-eating disease necrotizing fasciitis.Yale learned what really happened to her grandfather from Reuters. Only one state, New York, keeps detailed records on the industry.

He also checked a box prohibiting military, traffic-safety and other non-medical experiments.""Excellent," the body broker replied.Cadavers and donated body parts provide vital tools to teach anatomy and medical students. The most vulnerable body parts are those already in contact with the inside surfaces of a vehicle. Records from the Detroit and Phoenix cases show that thousands of bodies donated for research and education were dismembered and then sold or leased, often for commercial purposes.Donated bodies are not obliterated in explosions, Coates said. But the blasts do break bones and snap spines. "To go to the Department of Defense is absolutely mind-boggling."Arizona prosecutors said in their filing that Gore’s fraud misled those who had hoped to provide "the most precious gift a person could bestow on society, their own body, to benefit scientific and medical research.

The BRC case is not the first time bodies donated to medical schools have been misused in military experiments.At a nurse’s suggestion, the family contacted Biological Resource Center, a local company that brokered the donation of human bodies for research. Both widows made the change after being contacted by BRC, donor case files show."It was free:In interviews, family members who signed BRC consent forms said they were focused on saving money and serving society."BRC recorded the conversation for legal reasons and quality assurance.A Bloody CoolerFederal authorities began investigating BRC in 2011. Instead of hiring a qualified medical director to supervise how bodies and parts should be used, Gore said he relied on books and the Internet."Army officials said their first indication that something was amiss came in January 2014, after law enforcement authorities searched BRC. "It’s about $2,500 to $3,000," said John Cover, chief operating officer of Research for Life, a body broker based in Phoenix. customs agents as he crossed the border from Ontario.